You are viewing the iMovies wallpaper named McDonalds Joker.

Ya see, every Wednesday is “Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday”
Wallpapers ? joker (the dark knight ) (1600*1200)HD wallpapers as requested
Articles tagged with: heath ledger joker hd wallpapers

HD Wallpapers: 2560x1440 | 1920x1080 (Full HD 1080p) | 1280x720 (720p)
Joker HD Wallpaper by ~RiddleMeThisJoker on deviantART
The Dark Knigh Joker wallpaper
Batman HD Wallpaper by RiddleMeThisJoker 60 Stunning Super Heroes Wallpapers

Joker in The Dark Knight Movie hd wallpapers
Wallpapers ? joker (the dark knight ) (1600*1200)HD wallpapers as requested
Full HD Wallpapers - Backgrounds, Electro, Lines
by Jack on Jul.31, 2008, under HD Wallpapers, Wallpapers
The Joker
Joker Why So Serious iPhone 4 Wallpaper for iPhone 4 - iPhone 3GS - iPod
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