verna pruitt tattoos

Interesting Ideas for Tattoo Designs for Girls

Tattoo designs for girls are gaining popularity very fast as it is often believed, not without reason, that tattoos increase the sex appeal of the person in question. Most women find that a tattoo at certain places greatly increases how desirable they are to men.

Most of the sexiest women in the world have tattoos which greatly add to their sex appeal. Sporting hot and sexy tattoos on various body parts is now all the rage, but it is quite obvious that women today are changing their views on ‘cool’ tattoos. The reason for this is that women are now evolving from the cliché girl tattoos to bolder tattoos. Thus it isn’t unusual to that the tattoo studios that men use are preferred when it comes to tattoo designs for girls. The run of the mill chic tattoos are no longer popular for tattoo designs for girls.

The Tattoo Design:

Generally, women want tattoo designs that describe them as bold, dangerous exotic and above all, erotic. A Butterfly or a smiley, while being extremely cute, are not exactly the hottest of tattoos. They would definitely not be very sexy to the opposite sex and therefore not serve most of the purpose. Thus, tattoo designs for girls should be chosen more for their power and sexiness. A good example would be a tattoo of a dragon, with a lot of emphasis on it’s face or eyes, which could easily translate into a sensuous and dangerous, while also being bold.

The Tattoo Size:

The second important thing to consider after the design is the size of the tattoo. A bold woman might consider a tattoo that covers her back entirely. However, some women might want to show more skin than tattoo, and might thus prefer a tattoo that is medium sized. A tattoo that is a little bit larger than the usual ‘small’ design.

Most sensuous women are considered sensuous because they stand out. There are few better methods to do this than tattoos. A tattoo that is strong and a person who is not afraid to flaunt it are a good team. A powerful tattoo must not be hidden, otherwise what use would it be?

There are a huge number of designers out there to make tattoo designs for girls, but it is essential to keep in mind that the design, size and colours must be perfect. Tattoos are generally permanent things, and it is much easier to get them than to get rid of them. So it is likely that the tattoo a person has done now will be with him or her for the rest of their lives. Thus, it is important to choose a tattoo that a person would never feel embarrassed of or want to get rid of later on. A tattoo should reflect that person’s character and personality, and should not simply be a pretty or ‘cool’ picture.  A professional designer of tattoos would advise a person on selecting a perfect tattoo, and would also help you gauge the kind of response such tattoos would get from people. They would also know more about the size of the design and the colours to choose for a given person’s skin tone.

Be careful of trendy tattoos, as they mind soon fall out of trend and a person might be stuck with a tattoo that they do not like in the least. Instead, the best tattoo designs for girls are those that bring out the kind of woman they are within.

So it's me
photographer and designer and model: ME !!! - Elistratova Ol'ga

Photo from mobilphone Nokia 3250
Walls by e-jan.. kiss ya honey tnx so much for your work

really really... Love ki...

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